Youth Pitchers Have a 350% Increased Risk of Injury When They Do This
I like to tell people I was never a good baseball player. I was a terrible hitter and a worse fielder, and I was nothing special while running the bases. [...]
Ditch the Banana and Pass the Chips Next Time You Cramp Up
Ditch the Banana and Pass the Chips Next Time You Cramp UpDid you ever have a dog that would lick you all the time? And did that dog particularly lick [...]
Hot Outside? Warm Up By Cooling Down
I played college baseball in a small town near where I grew up in Kentucky. If you know anything about the weather in that part of the world, you know [...]
Run Downhill for Bulletproof Knees
We've all heard it – uphill is the hard part, downhill is the easy part! Years ago, a friend mentioned that downhill running is not so easy. That didn't make [...]
Should Athletes Wear Barefoot Shoes?
Barefoot shoes make about as much sense as unfrosted Pop-Tarts. Some people eat Pop-Tarts without their icing deliciousness (Brown Sugar is the best), and I don't trust those people. Barefoot [...]
Yes, You Should Foam Roll Before Training, But Not Too Much
We all know there are approximately a million ways to work out. And all those ways have die-hard fans eager to tell you that their way is the best. Inevitably, [...]