Strength Training for Young Dancers
While dancing may be considered an art for many, it is as physically demanding and rigorous as any sport. Regardless of its classification, it is an activity that demands high [...]
Balance Training and the Youth Athlete
I often tell parents that strength and conditioning are for people of all ages. It just looks different for kids and the elderly, the athlete and non-athletes. Parents are often [...]
Why Female Runners Tend to Have Low Bone Mineral Density
In the field of exercise science, it is well-known that weight-bearing activity builds stronger bones. Yes, milk and supplements can help, but the body responds best to weight-bearing activities such [...]
Stay Off the Ground If You Want to Run Faster
Every country, race, and culture participate in sports. Some are more popular than others. In the United States, football is highly celebrated, yet the sport is near non-existent in the [...]
Childhood Obesity is Heavily Associated with Motor Control Deficits
Almost every kid grows up playing sports. Even if they don't like it, everyone plays soccer and t-ball for at least one season. Parents know it's beneficial for their child's [...]
Why Every High School Athlete Should Learn to Olympic Lift
Most athletes don’t know how to Olympic lift or even know what it is. This is understandable but a shame. The main reason athletes are unfamiliar is because Olympic lifting [...]