How to Build the Perfect Swim Workout
So you're looking to get a little more serious about training in the pool, or you are looking for some more structure for your time in the water. Here...
How Sports Parents Ruin The Car Ride Home
Great sports parents have great timing. There are good times to talk with your son or daughter about the game or practice, and then there are bad times....
What is Shoulder Impingement? How to Avoid It and Treat It
Shoulder impingement syndrome affects many sports. Baseball, softball, tennis, volleyball, and swimming athletes are the most affected. How does shoulder impingement syndrome develop? The rotator cuff tendon crosses through [...]
Building Muscle Mass Through Swimming
These tips can help you build muscle with very little long-lasting impact on your joints and bones.
Should Swimmers Warm Up in the Water or on Dry Land?
As with any sport, there are a million ways to prepare for competition. The ideal warm-up for swimmers is especially difficult, as there are two radically different surfaces to consider. [...]
5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Swim Training
Swimmers log a lot of time in the water swimming around the black line. Here is how to make the most of your swim training. As an age grouper I was...
Helpful Tips for Parents of Swimmers
It's rewarding being a parent of a young athlete, especially if you're a parent of a swimmer. However, it can be tough guiding your child through the waters if you [...]
The Perfect Core Exercise for Every Major Sport
why athletes should perform core exercises that are sport-specific and that mimic the movements they use on the field or court.
How to Use the Pool to Recover Faster from Workouts
Pool recovery training is all about reducing the amount of impact your body endures while taking it through a range of motions.
3 Reasons Why Swimmers Need Strength Training
Swimming is a unique sport. It's one of the only sports where you don't have to be upright and controlling your body against gravity. Because of this,...