3 Unconventional Rotational Power Exercises For Pitchers
For my whole career as a strength coach working with pitchers to increase their velocity has taken up a pretty big piece of my time and thought process from internships [...]
How to Avoid Softball Pitching Injuries
We have all heard the phrase "No pain. No gain." If you play long enough, you will experience pain and every sport involves a risk of injury. Some major...
How to Fix 3 Common Softball Pitching Mistakes
The complex motion for fastpitch softball pitching has many moving parts with many common issues and even more ideas on how to fix them. This problem...
3 Keys to Better Softball Workouts
Every softball player desires to increase speed, power, strength and injury resilience, but is often bombarded with misinformation regarding how to do...
3 Drills That Improve Your Softball Pitch Spin and Velocity
Two of the most common mistake's softball pitchers make are pivoting on drive/drag leg and pushing the ball out of the hand. This 30 Day Challenge for...
High School Softball Pitcher Tosses Improbable All-Strikeout Perfect Game
Most pitchers dream of throwing a perfect game. Shannon Becker not only achieved it, but she struck out all 21 batters she faced in the process. I guess you can [...]
The Reason Why Many Softball Pitchers Never Get Better
In my 13 years of coaching pitchers, I always have a few softball pitchers that just don't seem to be improving. After a short discussion with the child...
Soccer Synergy: What Sport Should Soccer Players Play During Their Offseason?
With that in mind, here are some sports I believe are particularly beneficial for soccer players to participate in during their offseason.
Organize Effective, Time-Efficient Softball Fielding Drills
Skill Practice Divide the gym in half and use half for bunting and slapping practice and the other half for fielding practice. Side A—Outfielders and Pitchers Practice Bunting and Slapping [...]
Fastpitch Softball Pitching Tips for Beginners
As a parent or coach of a new fastpitch softball pitcher, finding consistent fastpitch softball pitching tips for beginners can be confusing. In this...