Cheating on Your Diet can Trigger Unhealthy Eating
The purpose of a diet is to eat healthier and do it consistently. Eating well cleans and allows your body to function correctly. However, many diets say cheating, indulging, and [...]
Ashwagandha- Proven Supplement to Enhance Health and Performance
If you are in search of a supplement to boost your health and athletic performance, then check out ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is Ayurvedic medicine that has had an outstanding track record [...]
Focus on Your Teen’s Health Not Weight
Focusing on your child's weight is not an indicator of good health. If your child is experiencing obesity, then your child's weight is an issue. But what is the cause [...]
6 Healthy Foods You’re Overeating
When you find a food that’s somehow both healthy and delicious, it's easy to get addicted. It’s not often the foods you want to eat overlap with the foods you [...]
5 Ways Sports Parents Can Help Build Mental Toughness
Rather than falling into this trap, build your young athlete's mental toughness with these five tips.
Is Nutella Healthy?
The smartest way to enjoy Nutella is through moderation.
Is Hot Sauce Healthy?
Hot sauce has long been a staple for millions of Americans.
Is Turkey Sausage Actually Healthy?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Build a Healthy Nutrition Foundation for Youth Athletes
Healthy nutritional habits and a healthy lifestyle start in the home and environment for youth athletes. What kids learn in the home carries on with them for a lifetime, so [...]
Fun Ways Youth Athletes Can Master 5 Fundamental Movements
Let us think back to childhood. What were the most invigorating and enthralling memories that bring on nostalgia? I remember feeling the most carefree and in my element when I [...]