How To Manage Daily Stress
“Stress is a scientific concept which has suffered the mixed blessing of being too well known and too little understood.” - Hans Selye. Stress is an aspect of life that [...]
How Athletes Can Develop A Mind-Body Connection
Things are happening beyond your consciousness that you cannot see, hear, or even feel. Often, situations and experiences unconsciously condition and program you through life, leading to poor health, diminished [...]
The Importance of Hydration (Even in the Winter)
Did you know that over 60% of our bodies are made up of water? Drinking an ice-cold glass of water on a hot summer day is easy, satisfying to quench [...]
Vitamin D’s Unknown Qualities
Importance of Vitamin D Vitamin D is essential to build healthy teeth and bones. Vitamin D also plays a critical role in the reduction of inflammation and reduces inflammatory responses, [...]
11 Tips For Happier And Healthier Living
Happiness and health influence each other. Being happy can make us feel significant and positive, and in turn, makes us feel healthy. And feeling healthy leads to better choices physically, [...]
Does Walking With a Weighted Vest Help You Lose Weight?
The first time I saw it, I wrote it off as an anomaly. But then I saw it again. And again. And again. Totally normal people walking around in public [...]
Everything You Need to Know About Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)
What if I told you about a secret sleep remedy that will fortify your mind, enhance your learning, and relieve stress? Before you write me off as some quack, I [...]
How Many Steps a Day Promote Good Health and Keep the Doctor Away?
In 1960, a Japanese company developed a pedometer called, Manpo-kei. When translated, it means 10,000 step meter. The catchy name was specifically used to create enthusiasm for people to purchase [...]
Why Female Runners Tend to Have Low Bone Mineral Density
In the field of exercise science, it is well-known that weight-bearing activity builds stronger bones. Yes, milk and supplements can help, but the body responds best to weight-bearing activities such [...]
How Much Exercise Today’s Youth Needs to ‘Offset’ a Day of Sitting
Think about it. You sit for about six hours a day at school. And when you go home, you head straight to the couch to watch TV, play video games, [...]