Youth Athletes
Positivity and Understanding Define Next-Gen Coaching Practices
It can be confusing. You lean toward a more no-nonsense approach as a coach and want to hold your athletes and others around your team accountable for their [...]
3 Tips for Managing Youth Athlete Nutrition
Athletes of all ages have different nutritional needs. When working with athletes, there are three specific things to address when providing effective and practical nutrition advice. Physical maturation Mental interpretation [...]
Why Zone Defense is Bad for Youth Basketball
The potential cost of winning games here is the benefit of your players in learning the game and building skills.
The One Nutrition Mistake Every Youth Athlete Makes
A youth athlete's schedule doesn’t exactly lend itself to ideal nutrition. Case in point? The long stretch between lunch and dinner. Due to class schedules and after-school athletic commitments, it [...]
Bullying: What It Is, What to Look For, How to Respond
Wherever adolescents gather—in school, sports, or other settings—bullying is common. Bullying once was thought of as “just part of growing up.” It is now seen, rightfully, as harmful [...]
Athletic Training Programs For 11-14-Year-Olds
At this age, your child is still growing. However, this is an excellent time to begin the phase of athletic development more thoroughly.
Protect Sport: Blow the Whistle on Abuse and Misconduct
Referees and officials see sport in a way that most cannot. They know where to look, and what to look for. They see the game within the game, [...]
Talk to Young Athletes About Abuse, Misconduct
Do you have a younger child just getting started in organized sport? How about a teenager who has moved up to more competitive athletic settings? Either way … [...]
Hydration Strategies for Athletes Looking to Boost Performance
Hydration is a crucial aspect of athletic performance, and as the deep summer nears and the weather warms, it becomes increasingly important to stay hydrated for both overall wellness and [...]
SafeSport Training Puts You in Play to Support Athlete Safety
Whether it’s baseball, volleyball, or pickleball that sparks their passion, kids should feel safe and supported in every sport, on every court. And it’s hard to disagree when [...]