High School Sports
Coordinate Your Sports Conditioning to Maximize Performance
Conditioning is training designed to help athletes integrate their physical abilities, skills, and performance. Effective coordination is vital in achieving peak performance in soccer, basketball, football, or baseball. By coordinating [...]
Lead a Culture Change in Sport
KEEPING YOUR PROGRAMS ABUSE-FREE SHOULD BE JOB 1 It’s happening before our eyes. The culture of sport safety is changing for the better. It’s evident in more effective [...]
The Importance of General Fitness for High School Athletes: A Foundation for Success
In pursuing excellence on the field, court, or track, it's easy to overlook the importance of general fitness. High school athletes have busy schedules from academics, practice, and competition, and [...]
Positivity and Understanding Define Next-Gen Coaching Practices
It can be confusing. You lean toward a more no-nonsense approach as a coach and want to hold your athletes and others around your team accountable for their [...]
Bullying: What It Is, What to Look For, How to Respond
Wherever adolescents gather—in school, sports, or other settings—bullying is common. Bullying once was thought of as “just part of growing up.” It is now seen, rightfully, as harmful [...]
5 Ways to Avoid Blowing Your Scholarship and Ruining Your Life on Social Media
Here are two facts you need to remember at all times: First, tweets live forever and can be seen by everyone in the world. The same is true for all [...]
Protect Sport: Blow the Whistle on Abuse and Misconduct
Referees and officials see sport in a way that most cannot. They know where to look, and what to look for. They see the game within the game, [...]
Talk to Young Athletes About Abuse, Misconduct
Do you have a younger child just getting started in organized sport? How about a teenager who has moved up to more competitive athletic settings? Either way … [...]
Hydration Strategies for Athletes Looking to Boost Performance
Hydration is a crucial aspect of athletic performance, and as the deep summer nears and the weather warms, it becomes increasingly important to stay hydrated for both overall wellness and [...]
Elite 11 and Gatorade Continue Partnership to Empower High School Quarterbacks
We are excited to announce that the highly anticipated Elite 11 Finals, a premier quarterback competition, has now wrapped up its 25th year of hosting the event. This event brings [...]