Try This Yoga Sequence to Improve Your Balance and Coordination
When we think about balance, we often envision standing on a single leg or holding a yoga pose without wavering. But falls don’t usually happen when you’re standing still. They happen when you’re moving, making a transition or adjusting your body.
RELATED: The 10 Best Yoga Poses for Athletes
The key to building balance, coordination and preventing injury is being able to control your body in awkward and unplanned positions, which ofter occur between movement in sports, during workouts or in yoga.
This active stretch asana helps build balance in motion, reducing your risk of a fall and injury and promoting quick reaction time. Increase your capacity for speed; build the motor fitness components of balance, agility, coordination and power; and optimize your athletic performance with this active stretch.
RELATED: Kevin Love’s 5-Move Yoga Workout
Active Stretch Benefits
- Balance in motion
- Quick change of direction
- Strength and conditioning
- Improve reaction time and coordination
- Establish breathing patterns
Active Stretch How-To
Watch the video above to see the movement in action.
- Start in Mountain Pose, feet hip-width apart, head in line with heels.
- Bring your right knee to high knee, fully extending your left leg and maintaining postural alignment.
- Fully extend your right leg, maintaining full extension in both legs.
- Grab your right big toe or ankle with your right hand while maintaining length in your spine.
- Equally distribute your weight on all four corners of your standing left foot. Lift your toes to engage your standing foot.
- Come back to high knee and open your right leg to the side.
- Reach on the inside, grab the big toe of your right foot and fully extend your right leg out to side. If you can’t extend while holding your toe, grab your ankle or shin.
- Return your right leg to center and come into Tree Pose by bringing your right foot to your left leg above or below the knee, opening your right leg to come in line with your hip.
- Bring your hands to heart center. Rotate your leg to front, return to Mountain Pose and repeat on your left side.
RELATED: Yoga for Strength and Conditioning: Is It Worth It?
[cf]skyword_tracking_tag[/cf]Photo Credit: fizkes/iStock/Thinkstock
Try This Yoga Sequence to Improve Your Balance and Coordination
When we think about balance, we often envision standing on a single leg or holding a yoga pose without wavering. But falls don’t usually happen when you’re standing still. They happen when you’re moving, making a transition or adjusting your body.
RELATED: The 10 Best Yoga Poses for Athletes
The key to building balance, coordination and preventing injury is being able to control your body in awkward and unplanned positions, which ofter occur between movement in sports, during workouts or in yoga.
This active stretch asana helps build balance in motion, reducing your risk of a fall and injury and promoting quick reaction time. Increase your capacity for speed; build the motor fitness components of balance, agility, coordination and power; and optimize your athletic performance with this active stretch.
RELATED: Kevin Love’s 5-Move Yoga Workout
Active Stretch Benefits
- Balance in motion
- Quick change of direction
- Strength and conditioning
- Improve reaction time and coordination
- Establish breathing patterns
Active Stretch How-To
Watch the video above to see the movement in action.
- Start in Mountain Pose, feet hip-width apart, head in line with heels.
- Bring your right knee to high knee, fully extending your left leg and maintaining postural alignment.
- Fully extend your right leg, maintaining full extension in both legs.
- Grab your right big toe or ankle with your right hand while maintaining length in your spine.
- Equally distribute your weight on all four corners of your standing left foot. Lift your toes to engage your standing foot.
- Come back to high knee and open your right leg to the side.
- Reach on the inside, grab the big toe of your right foot and fully extend your right leg out to side. If you can’t extend while holding your toe, grab your ankle or shin.
- Return your right leg to center and come into Tree Pose by bringing your right foot to your left leg above or below the knee, opening your right leg to come in line with your hip.
- Bring your hands to heart center. Rotate your leg to front, return to Mountain Pose and repeat on your left side.
RELATED: Yoga for Strength and Conditioning: Is It Worth It?
Photo Credit: fizkes/iStock/Thinkstock