5 Tips To Avoid Coaching Burnout
I should have seen the signs a mile away: Anger, anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, and fatigue. I have a daily planner on my bookshelf that serves as a journal, and [...]
5 Steps to Develop Peer Leaders On Your Teams
"The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action." —Herbert Spencer If you appreciate having captains on your teams and wish there was more you can do for them [...]
Teaching The Balance Between Sports And School
It's been over two decades since I was a student-athlete. Since then I have been a parent, a full-time worker, a coach, and an active athlete myself. Today I worked [...]
5 Lessons Coaches Can Learn From Teachers
Good teachers and good coaches are usually the same people. However, there has been an increasing trend in high school sports utilizing more community coaches than teachers/coaches because it is [...]
Building Character Through Sports In This Current World
I've primarily devoted my life to sports. It's how I've made most of my friends. It's how I spend most of my free time. And I'm lucky that it's also [...]
5 Simple Ways to be a Standout Athlete Without Skill or Talent
When we talk standout athletes, we typically think of players who can run, jump and throw better than everyone else. We are awed by LeBron James making an improbable dunk, [...]
Girls vs. Boys Soccer: Should They Train Differently?
In my many years of soccer coaching experience, I've come to this conclusion: girls need to be happy to play well, while boys need to play well to be happy. [...]
6 Easy Ways to Lead by Example
Follow These Sports and Wellness Performance-Enhancing Tips/Beneficial Habits in 2017 and Beyond By Jim Carpentier, CSCS Though 2017 is well underway,...
Why Horizontal Leadership Is Just As Important As Vertical Leadership
Ask any coach before a season begins about what their team needs to be successful in the upcoming season and you will get a consistent list of answers. Commitment, hard [...]
How to Talk to Youth Athletes About Coronavirus
Question: The recent cancellations of playoffs, championships, games, tournaments, and meets at every level are disappointing, but I also am aware they are necessary to prevent further spread of disease. [...]