Probiotics and Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?
Even though prebiotics and probiotics sound similar, the two play different roles in your health. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, and prebiotics is food for these bacteria. Prebiotics Prebiotics are the [...]
Is Celsius Healthy?
Celsius drinks are the new big thing! Celsius is an energy drink, not a health drink. The Celsius brand product list includes Originals, Naturals, On-The-Go, and HEAT. Celsius marketing literature [...]
Is A Sugar High Real?
It has been reported that an estimated 300,000 tons of candy were shipped by candy makers for Halloween consumption. The National Retail Federation reported that $3 billion would be spent [...]
Ultraprocessed Foods in Children and Teen Diets
Kids Are Eating More Processed Foods Than Ever Before
Athletes and Acne
Many adolescents and young adults battle body acne during middle and high school athletics or just the teenage years in general.
What Is Monk Sugar?
Monk Fruit is naturally a low-calorie sweetener