What to Do if You Experience Shoulder Pain When You Bench Press
The bench press and shoulder press are perhaps the two exercises most likely to cause pain within the shoulder. Being that these are also two of the...
How to Get Stronger With Eccentric Reps
An eccentric contraction can be defined as a muscular contraction in which in the force of the contraction does not equal the external force being...
Core Stability Exercises to Make You Faster
When we look for indicators of athleticism, we generally turn to tests such as a vertical jump or 40-yard dash time. These are definitely good standards...
3 Keys for Creating Successful Home Workouts
Two of the biggest excuses for not exercising are lack of time and not having access to a gym. Both of these excuses can be eliminated by creating home...
3 Keys to Successful Off-Season Training
The end of the school year marks the start of a short, but very important, 12-week training period for area athletes. During this short training block,...
3 Crucial Strength Principles Endurance Runners Should Follow
Myth #1: Strength training makes you gain weight. Truth: The only way to gain weight is to consume more calories than you burn. While eating a...