How to Harness Coffee’s Sports Performance Benefits
Caffeine is a legal performance enhancing drug, in fact, it's even on the WADA's monitoring program for possible in-competition abuse. Caffeine has been...
Perform the Landmine Chest Press to Build Strength and Save Your Shoulders
Most strength training programs borrow heavily from power lifting and understandably so since power lifting is a sport where increased strength is the...
How a High-Nitrate Diet Can Boost Athletic Performance
Nutrition is an important aspect of athletic success since what we eat serves as the fuel we use during exercise. In recent years elite Tour de France...
Improve Your Explosiveness With a Plyo Warm-Up
Plyometrics are movements that involve large amounts of eccentric force with the goal of increasing speed/power in the form of shorter faster concentric...
Use Heavy Sled Pushes to Improve Acceleration
In team sport settings' acceleration is king for high level sports performance. It's typical in field based sports for athletes to intersperse repeat...
How to Improve Athleticism With Sand Workouts
Sand training can be a powerful training modality for enhancing performance when used correctly. Sand plyomtetrics and jump training has been show to...