Four Simple Things You Can Do To Help Peak for a Competition
Coaches love talking about periodization and planning for competitions. Unfortunately, this leaves many athletes bamboozled and they fail to make the most of what they can do when they compete. [...]
Sprint Training for Children
The idiom, ‘Sprinters are born, marathoners are made,’ assumes that the major factor in sprinting is genetics. That is accurate if your goal is to become a world-class sprinter. However, [...]
Mental Health in Young Athletes
A recent study of 17,000 adolescent athletes in the USA found that levels of anxiety and depression were higher than before the Covid restrictions and that overall quality of life [...]
Choosing the Right Exercises for Your Circuit Training
There is more to circuit training than just getting tired. Each type of circuit should have a purpose: to improve your endurance, muscular endurance, strength, or power. Errors are made [...]
Changing Your Training Routine to Match Your Lifestyle
With the exception of professional players and undergraduates, most sportspeople are time-poor. Travel, work, study, family, and competing all take up time in strangely inconvenient blocks that mess up your [...]
Teach Before You Test
Sports scientists are taught to test subjects before designing an exercise program. This is done so that they can then design a specific program to suit the needs of the [...]