7 Treadmill Workouts That Don’t Suck
These treadmill workouts will allow you to improve your conditioning and help you get better at your sport.
5 Methods to Build Lean Muscle with Bodyweight Tempo Training
Regardless of your reason to exercise at home, be it to save money, save time, or perhaps coronavirus related, bodyweight exercises are likely one of your go-to’s. Even though they [...]
The Assisted Split Squat
One of my VERY favorite leg exercises is the ASSISTED Bulgarian split squat. Many use a rack but I find the placement of rings set in front of you a [...]
Cheerleading Technique for Strong Bases
In a stunt group, the bases are the foundation of the stunt. Without a strong foundation, it doesn't matter how good the flyer is. The stunt will struggle. A common [...]
Football Conditioning (Specific To The Game)
With this steady progression, your team will have the conditioning level to compete by the first game season.
4 Unique Core Exercises to Improve Sprint Speed
Since sprinting is the most dynamic activity that the human body can perform, this makes the split stance rotational medicine ball slam extremely applicable related to the violent nature of the sprinting motion.
Try This Stadium Stairs Workout to Get in Shape
You know those bleachers at your local high school that's right down the road from you? We don't have to wait for Football season to be here in order...
Athletes Improve Your Balance
Balance and "proprioception" usually take a back seat in many training programs, but what most fail to realize is that our movement all begins with how our brain senses the [...]
Why Strengthening Your Core May Not Help Your Back Pain
Go ahead, strengthen your "core," but let's stop telling people it's the reason why their back pain hasn't gone away.
12-Week 5K Training Program
This 12-week plan features three conditioning workouts per week, supplemented by two strength training workouts.